Literary Lubbock

Since 2003, Literary Lubbock has been a signature literary event for book lovers, authors, and readers all across the South Plains. Literary Lubbock is Texas Tech University Press’s annual fundraiser, with event proceeds benefiting the Grover E. Murray Studies in the American Southwest, a book series named in honor of Texas Tech’s past president.

The Literary Lubbock program features recent and notable books published by the Texas Tech University Press. All books will be available for sale and signing.

Literary Lubbock is a must-attend event for all those interested in and supportive of literary culture.

Save the date

Tuesday, November 11, 2025

Explore 2024’s featured titles below.

Long Live the Matadors

The Fearless History of Texas Tech's Masked Rider

Stacy Stockard Caliva

Inside the Well

The Midland, Texas Rescue of Baby Jessica

Lance Lunsford

Our Connected Lives

Caring for Cancer Patients in Rural Texas

Fazlur Rahman

The Edge Rover

The Life and Times of Mountain Man Isaac Slover

Timothy E. Green

Auto Touring America's National Parks

The Photography of H.A. Spallholz

Julian E. Spallholz, Lance O. Spallholz, Arthur S. Vaughan

Literary Lubbock 2024 was made possible by our generous sponsors:

The Barrs, Beckers, Carlsons, and Monroes
Dr. Steven and Mrs. Shirley Berk
Mrs. Ann Cashell
College of Media & Communication
Department of English
Department of History
Department of Journalism & Creative Media Industries
Department of Mechanical Engineering Combustion Lab
Mr. Don Graf
JF Charitable Endowment
Llano Estacado Winery
Mrs. Sally Murray
Museum of Texas Tech University / Museum of TTU Association
National Ranching Heritage Center
Office of the Chancellor
Office of the CIO
Office of Institutional Diversity
Office of the President
Office of the Provost
Office of the Provost Outreach & Engagement
Mrs. Sally Post
School of Medicine, TTUHSC
Mrs. Gretchen Scott
Dr. Norman M. Shulman
Snyder Family Foundation
Texas Tech Alumni Association
University Libraries / Southwest Collection
Vista Bank

Literary Lubbock Steering Committee Members:

Gretchen Scott, Chair
Marie Meyers Brunjes
Ann Cashell
Donna Griffis
Kathleen Harris
Judith Keeling
Sally Murray