Plains Histories

A book series that, although examining the interrelationship of culture and environment, seeks to illuminate and define the Great Plains, its peoples, and its landscape through original monographs, edited collections, biographies, memoir, and comparative studies.
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The Falls of Wichita Falls
An Environmental History of the Red Rolling Plains
Price: $29.95
ISBN: 9781682831564
Pub Date: April 2023
An environmental history of the red rolling plains of Wichita Falls, Texas, detailing the region's past Progressive Era land ethics, water management, boom and bust oil towns, and natural resource allocation.
“Help Indians Help Themselves”
The Later Writings of Gertrude Simmons-Bonnin (Zitkala-Ša)
Price: $39.95
ISBN: 9781682830451
Pub Date: May 2022
An essential collection of writings and speeches by Zitkala-Ša, also known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, one of the twentieth century's most preeminent American Indian activists.
A Sovereign People
Indigenous Nationhood, Traditional Law, and the Covenants of the Cheyenne Nation
Price: $45.00
ISBN: 9781682830376
Pub Date: October 2019
(Volume 2 of 2) Killsback, a citizen of the Northern Cheyenne Nation, reconstructs and rekindles an ancient Cheyenne world--ways of living and thinking that became casualties of colonization and forced assimilation. Spanning more than a millennium of antiquity and recovering stories and ideas interpreted from a Cheyenne worldview, the works’ joint purpose is rooted as much in a decolonization roadmap as it is in preservation of culture and identity for the next generations of Cheyenne people. Dividing the story of the Cheyenne Nation into pre- and post-contact, A Sacred People and A Sovereign People lay out indigenously conceived possibilities for employing traditional worldviews to replace unhealthy and dysfunctional ones bred of territorial, cultural, and psychological colonization.
A Sacred People
Indigenous Governance, Traditional Leadership, and the Warriors of the Cheyenne Nation
Price: $45.00
ISBN: 9781682830352
Pub Date: October 2019
(Volume 1 of 2) Killsback, a citizen of the Northern Cheyenne Nation, reconstructs and rekindles an ancient Cheyenne world--ways of living and thinking that became casualties of colonization and forced...
Flood on the Tracks
Living, Dying, and the Nature of Disaster in the Elkhorn River Basin
Price: $29.95
ISBN: 9781682830208
Pub Date: April 2018
The Elkhorn River originates in north-central Nebraska and empties into the Platte River just west of Omaha. One of the first written records of the Elkhorn describes a flood. A flood hindered travel up the river by the valley's first non-Indian settlers. Decade after decade, floods have swept away mill dams, destroyed crops, drowned stock, soaked inventories, filled basements, undercut roads, washed out railroads and bridges, turned unfortunate riverside homes--even a dance hall--into unwieldy watercraft, and killed people. Everyone in the Elkhorn Valley agreed the Flood of 1944 was the worst in history. Until the deadly Flood of 2010 took the title. From a perspective unusual on the Great Plains--the problem of too much water--Flood on the Tracks offers an intimate portrait of life in the Elkhorn River Basin of northeast Nebraska. In a region often defined by aridity, rivers and their basins have provided sustenance, shelter, fertile soil, and...
Trail Sisters
Freedwomen in Indian Territory, 1850–1890
Price: $24.95
ISBN: 9781682830154
Pub Date: July 2017
African American women enslaved by the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, and Creek Nations led lives ranging from utter subjection to recognized kinship. Regardless of status, during Removal,...
A Witness to History
George H. Mahon, West Texas Congressman
Price: $45.00
ISBN: 9780896729889
Pub Date: June 2017
This is the story of George H. Mahon, a man who went to Congress in 1935, when the House Committee on Appropriations still allocated a small amount of money to buy military horses. Forty-four years later, when Mahon retired as Chairman of that same committee, the committee was debating funds to purchase a bomber capable of traveling at 2,000 miles an hour. With a career spanning nearly a half century—spanning almost the entire Cold War—Mahon grew from a West Texas country lawyer to one of the most powerful men in the US House of Representatives, serving twenty-two consecutive terms from 1935–1978. During his time in Congress, Mahon worked easily with the giants of government, enjoying the friendship and confidence of seven of the eight presidents with whom he served. He worked just as comfortably with his constituents in the Nineteenth Congressional District of Texas. Mahon served on several Congressional committees,...
Food, Control, and Resistance
Rations and Indigenous Peoples in the United States and South Australia
Price: $39.95
ISBN: 9780896729643
Pub Date: April 2016
An essential component of every culture, food offers up much more than mere sustenance. Food is also important in religion, ceremony, celebration, and cultural knowledge and transmission. Colonial governments...
Free Radical
Ernest Chambers, Black Power, and the Politics of Race
Price: $24.95
ISBN: 9780896729834
Pub Date: January 2016
As Senator Ernest Chambers returns to the public forum with a 2012 bid for reelection to the Nebraska office he held for thirty-eight years, Omaha native Tekla Agbala Ali Johnson presents the first public biography of this influential leader. Documenting Chambers’s experience, influences, and struggles, Johnson traces the growth of the Black Power Movement in Nebraska, within the context of similar developments throughout the United States.
Urban Villages and Local Identities
Germans from Russia, Omaha Indians, and Vietnamese in Lincoln, Nebraska
Price: $39.95
ISBN: 9780896728943
Pub Date: July 2015
Urban Villages and Local Identities examines immigration to the Great Plains by surveying the experiences of three divergent ethnic groups—Volga Germans, Omaha Indians, and Vietnamese—that settled...

The Falls of Wichita Falls
An Environmental History of the Red Rolling Plains
Price: $29.95
ISBN: 9781682831564
Pub Date: April 2023
“Help Indians Help Themselves”
The Later Writings of Gertrude Simmons-Bonnin (Zitkala-Ša)
Price: $39.95
ISBN: 9781682830451
Pub Date: May 2022
A Sovereign People
Indigenous Nationhood, Traditional Law, and the Covenants of the Cheyenne Nation
Price: $45.00
ISBN: 9781682830376
Pub Date: October 2019
A Sacred People
Indigenous Governance, Traditional Leadership, and the Warriors of the Cheyenne Nation
Price: $45.00
ISBN: 9781682830352
Pub Date: October 2019
Flood on the Tracks
Living, Dying, and the Nature of Disaster in the Elkhorn River Basin
Price: $29.95
ISBN: 9781682830208
Pub Date: April 2018
Trail Sisters
Freedwomen in Indian Territory, 1850–1890
Price: $24.95
ISBN: 9781682830154
Pub Date: July 2017
A Witness to History
George H. Mahon, West Texas Congressman
Price: $45.00
ISBN: 9780896729889
Pub Date: June 2017
Food, Control, and Resistance
Rations and Indigenous Peoples in the United States and South Australia
Price: $39.95
ISBN: 9780896729643
Pub Date: April 2016
Free Radical
Ernest Chambers, Black Power, and the Politics of Race
Price: $24.95
ISBN: 9780896729834
Pub Date: January 2016
Urban Villages and Local Identities
Germans from Russia, Omaha Indians, and Vietnamese in Lincoln, Nebraska
Price: $39.95
ISBN: 9780896728943
Pub Date: July 2015