Texas Tech University Press is proud to announce the celebration of our 50th anniversary in 2021.
When TTU Press was established in 1971, our charge was to become the preeminent publisher of our West Texas region: we took a great step toward this goal when we applied for and received full membership in the Association of University Presses in 1987. In a letter supporting our membership, TTU President Lauro F. Cavazos commended us, offering “recognition of the standards the Press has held for itself since its inception.”
Decades later, now celebrating this significant milestone, we reaffirm our commitment to these high standards: publishing valuable and timely works that adhere to rigorous peer review; amplifying and elevating a diversity of voices within our list; conducting our operations efficiently, transparently, and ethically; and advocating for books and literary fellowship throughout our campus, local, and world community.
Over the course of this anniversary year, we will be looking back, recalling some of our most cherished memories and successes. We will also be looking forward, envisioning exciting new avenues on the horizon.
Thank you for your continued support as we grow our Press into its next 50 years of excellence!